Discover the power of online Tarot readings without spending a cent. Try your first 3 minutes free when you schedule a Tarot reading through Keen today. What will ultimately determine your price is the pricing structure of your reading. Our readers charge a flat per-minute fee at Keen, so customers are never surprised by the final cost. Our diverse network of psychic advisors set their rates typically between $1.99 and $9.99 per minute. How much you can make depends on a few things, such as your experience, your level of intuition, and if you wish to do readings full time or part time.
After all, reading Tarot is not an exact science, and your interpretations won’t always be spot on. But being transparent about this with others can lift the pressure off your shoulders and help to build more trust with the people you’re reading for.
Pulling a single card at a time can be less overwhelming than a full spread, and it can give you the opportunity to get to know the cards better. Ms. Dore recommends pulling one card in the morning and one in the evening, creating opportunities to check in with yourself. Though you can use tarot to work through the big things happening in your life, like career obstacles and relationship struggles, it can also address day-to-day questions. Reversals highlight something to pay attention to and can point to the “opposite” of the card’s upright meaning. In some cases, a reversed card does not change the definition of the overall card significantly, rather it points to a deficit of that energy. In other cases, it can mean something completely different or nothing at all.
Take your time
Golden Thread Tarot started out as a simple illustration project where I illustrated a card each day. I chose what to design by pulling a random card in the morning. This deck is the product of that project, but I also want to take it further. In the spread in the photo, the past is represented by the Hermit, which is the ninth card in the Major Arcana. When the Hermit appears in a reading, know that you have a chance to receive wisdom from the Divine, or from the spirit world. The Hermit reminds us that our goals can be attained, but the journey is not always smooth or easy. Perhaps our Querent has been forced to struggle through hardships on his journey.
That’s almost right, but tarot doesn’t tell you what will happen—it tells what might happen, and more importantly, how you should show up to it. The tarot is a tool for self-discovery, so it’s important to trust your intuition when interpreting the cards. The cards can bring up emotions, memories or feelings that may be relevant for the reading, and should be taken into account. This spread is great for simple, quick readings and it’s easy to understand and use.
It assumes the outcome based on the querent continuing their current course of action. Read more about Free Tarot Card Readings here. Of course, if the outcome card is not a desirable outcome, it is within the free will of the querent to make the necessary changes to their situation. This is perhaps one of the most difficult positions to interpret. Keep in mind that hopes and fears are closely intertwined, therefore that which we hope for may also be that which we fear, and so may fail to happen.
Compatibility H Tarot Spread
For instance, this Antique Anatomy deck uses Elixirs (Cups), Rods (Wands), Coins (Pentacles), and Blades (Swords). And while all of the cards are based off of medical and botanical journals, they have the same overall meanings.
If you’re familiar with traditional tarot, you can use this guide to relate playing cards to the tarot deck. Read more about angel cards online here. To understand more about tarot cards and what they mean, head here. Before pulling the cards for a particular spread, you’ll need to formulate a question. Think about your intentions for the reading and what you really want to know about your love life, career, family drama, or wherever else you’re seeking clarity. spoke to multiple professional tarot readers to learn their tips and tricks. While each pro offered their own version of tarot 101, they all agreed that the journey is a personal one. A great place for a beginner to start practicing Tarot spreads is with an easy and direct three or five-card spread.
The Major Arcana cards in a tarot deck, 22 in total, represent the major events, experiences, and themes that shape our lives. They are considered the most important cards in a tarot reading, and often indicate significant changes and turning points. The Major Arcana cards generally focus on aspects of the self, such as the search for meaning and purpose, and the development of the soul. They are also thought to reflect universal archetypes, and the general human experience. Are you curious about the ancient art of tarot card reading?
I suggest looking at the going rates for Tarot readers with a similar experience level to determine an appropriate cost for your services. Preparing yourself before a reading is essential, which is where a set structure can help. As a beginner, you may be prone to blanking during your readings, affecting your confidence levels. If you have go-to methods to follow during these moments, you can feel more in control even if you go blank during the reading. Something I enjoy about Keen is that it’s one of the few sites where you can email a Tarot reader before paying. While this feature should only be used for general inquiries, it can ease doubts.